
Volunteering at WMBC
Your enthusiasm and skills can make all the difference at the West Midland Bird Club. Explore how you can contribute to our conservation efforts and the wider birder community community.
Why Volunteer
Volunteering with the West Midland Bird Club offers a chance to actively engage in preserving the natural beauty and diversity of birdlife in your area. It’s not just about giving back to the environment; it’s also a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, develop new skills, and experience the joy of making a tangible difference.
Every role, no matter the size, contributes significantly to our collective mission of bird conservation and community building.

Volunteering Work Parties
All our reserves host volunteer work parties that help maintain and enhance the habitat. From fixing up bird hides to sprucing up footpaths, our volunteers do it all. Whether you prefer weekend or midweek sessions, we’ve got you covered. We provide all the tools and gloves, so just bring yourself. It’s a fantastic way to meet fellow nature enthusiasts.
Fancy giving it a go? Just show up at any session advertised, or for more details, just get in touch!

Habitat Management Work - 9am second Monday of every month at Hide A. Occasional extra day after the breeding season.
Equipment is provided but please bring gloves if you have them.
Enquiries to Richard King at ladywalk@westmidlandbirdclub.org.uk

At Harborne our volunteering day is Wednesday, starting at 10am and finishing usually before mid-day.
Sometimes there is enough work to warrant coming every week so in that case we attend every other Wednesday on an ad hoc basis.
Very occasionally, such as in December, there is enough work to warrant two or three days work per week. This is organised via a WhatsApp group.
Enquiries to Paul Bateman at
Open Volunteering Roles
Roving Ambassador

Our Club Chairperson, Roger Broadbent, has indicated his desire to step down from the role at the AGM in April. We urgently need to find a successor.
In the past, the Club Chairperson has performed two functions – being the Club’s business manager and being its public face or roving ambassador.
The Trustees have decided that in view of the rapid growth of the Club in recent years, the roles now need to be split, with the business manager part being taken on by the Secretary or Treasurer.
We are, therefore, looking for someone to assume the role of roving ambassador. The essential requirement is to have the confidence and personality to speak on behalf of the Club to the media, politicians, business and the general public.
A good knowledge of the Club and a good knowledge of the birds of the West Midlands – or an ability to rapidly acquire that knowledge – are also highly desirable.
If this role is of interest to you, please reach out to our club Secretary.
Independent Trustee

Job Description
Person Spec
If none of the options catch your eye, don’t worry - there’s always a way for you to get involved with our work. Feel free to reach out to our Secretary, Chairperson, or Deputy Chairperson.
We’re always open to having you help out in any way you can!
Join Us

Become a member
As a WMBC member, you get access to our reserves, invitations to indoor and outdoor birdwatching activities, our quarterly newsletter, and the annual bird report and much more. Enjoy bird photography, see rare species, and connect with fellow bird enthusiasts in our vibrant community.
Practical Conservation
If you are the sort of person who likes to get stuck into practical outdoor tasks then this could be for you. All our reserves have volunteer work parties who maintain and improve the habitat. Tasks such as maintenance of bird hides and footpaths are also carried out by our volunteers.
At some reserves, work parties are organised at weekends, at others midweek sessions take place. All tools and gloves are provided. Joining one of our work parties is also a great way to meet like-minded members.

Other Ways to Help
Not all work at our reserves is physical. Developments such as new hides, meetings, reserve annual development plans, running events, etc. all require administrative support.
Also, we’re always looking for volunteers to represent our reserves at the Club’s Management Committee.
If you are interested in getting involved in this side of things get in touch to find how you can help.