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Avian influenza, what do I do? If you find one dead bird of prey, 3 or more dead gulls or wild fowl, 5 or more dead birds of any species: MORE INFORMATION HERE

AGM Minutes (May 2024)


Updated: 4 days ago

The West Midland Bird Club AGM Minutes (May 2024) covered key discussions and decisions, including reports from the Chair and Trustees on overcoming early challenges and launching new initiatives, alongside a Treasurer’s update confirming the club’s strong financial position. A rule change was approved, making the Secretary an executive trustee, and the club’s legal structure is being modernised into a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. After debate, it was decided the club name will remain unchanged. Elections saw trustees and officers re-elected, while discussions focused on expanding meetings and activities to better engage members. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks and an illustrated talk on pelagic birdwatching.


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