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Avian influenza, what do I do? If you find one dead bird of prey, 3 or more dead gulls or wild fowl, 5 or more dead birds of any species: MORE INFORMATION HERE

Helpful Links 

Welcome to our treasure trove of links! Here, you'll find a comprehensive collection connecting you with everything from national birdwatching organisations to local wildlife groups and resources for bird enthusiasts in the West Midlands and beyond.

National Organisations



For local RSPB groups, navigate through the main RSPB website search tool by inserting your location 


Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust

Bardsey Bird and Field Observatory 


County Trusts in the West Midland Bird Club region

Birmingham and Black Country 



Tame Valley Wetlands Landscape Partnership 



Other Wildlife Organisations within the West Midland Bird Club region

Atherstone Natural History Society 

Warwick Natural History Society 

Cannock Chase AONB

West Midlands Ringing Group

Belvide Ringers


Regional Ecological Records

Staffordshire Ecological Records                                      

Staffordshire Ecological Records - Online Bird Atlas 


Websites of Ornithological Interest

Birds in Particular

Birmingham University - Centre for Ornithology

West Midlands Ringing Group


Birdwatching Equipment and Supplies in the West Midland Bird Club Region

The Birders Store

National Publications

British Birds

Bird Watching



Mike Leach               

Nick Martin              

Philip Mugridge               

Keith Offord

Oliver Smart            

Chris Ward

Bird Clubs in adjoining counties that are associated with the Midland Region

Banbury Ornithological Society             

Region covered extends into south-east Warwickshire.

Herefordshire Ornithological Club

Shropshire Ornithological Society

Other Natural History subjects of interest

UK Butterflies

Damselflies and Dragonflies of Britain and Ireland

UK Moths

British Wild Flowers


Bird study/informaton

British Ornithologists’ Union The British List

The British Birds list of Western Palearctic Birds              

xeno-canto bird sounds from around the world           

A collection of bird songs and calls from around the world.

Birding Blogs of regional interest

Out For a Duck - Neil Duggan                                              

A Warwickshire based Blog that includes wider interests.

Earlswood Birds - Matt Griffiths                                           

Local patch birding at Earlswood Lakes and district.

Wildlife at Willey Warwickshire - Steven Nichols             

A Warwickshire based Local Patch Wildlife Blog (Twitter)

BTO Bird Migration Blog

Wildlife Kate

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